AS/NZS 4801 Certification of our WHSEMS
Manpower's commitment to freedom from harm is in part reflected by our investment in the AS/NZS 4801 Certification of our WHSEMS by third party Certification Bodies. The development and effectiveness of our safety assurance systems is subject to stringent internal and external auditing processes that ensures our systems and their functions remain relevant to our business, and to those whom engage with our business.
For candidates, this means that we conduct high quality safety activities prior to and during your work assignments to ensure that you are free from harm. This also means that you are required to take an active role in identifying and controlling occupational exposures and reporting them.
For clients', this means that you have engaged a recruitment and labour hire provider that has a real capacity to deliver a higher quality and lower risk service to your business not only within Australia and New Zealand, but globally.